Sunday, September 11, 2011

Brain Tumor symptoms diagnosis

The appearance of brain tumor symptoms often depends of the type, the location and the size. Symptoms usually appear when the tumor affects the tissue around it and influences the natural process of the surrounding.  Brain tumor symptoms can also appear when the brain collects fluids In the place of the tumor.

 Often brain tumor symptoms that appear are headaches, that are very bad at daybreak. Problems with the balance and nausea, hearing problems, speech problems and disabilities, bad mood or memory loss in certain occasions, hard to remember easy stuff and getting headaches when trying to remind on some information. The usual checks for brain tumor symptoms that doctors do are, x-ray scans, eye swelling checks for the nerves, Brain tumor usually puts on pressure on the eye nerves and blindness appears.  

There are CT scans, MRI scans with a large magnet around the head. The pictures are viewed on screen and printed too. Particular dye is inserted sometimes because the brain tumor symptoms are not always visible. The dye can mark that particular area and can show if there’s any appearance of brain tumor. The Angiogram is also used for testing brain tumor symptoms, where a dye is inserted in to the bloodstream which leads to the brain and makes it easier for the brain tumor to show up on the x-ray scan. The physician can also take a sample of CSF, a fluid that surrounds the brain as well as the spinal cord, and the fluid is then anallissed for any brain tumor symptoms appearance or brain tumor lefts.

  Biopsy is a more dangerous method and it includes removing of a sample of the tissue and searcing for brain cancer cells. The cells are being examined under a microscope by the pathologist and a procces is applicated for verifying the existence of abnormal cells. A biopsy may show tumor, tissue changes which might lead to tumor and other situations. This is the surest way in diagnosing brain tumor symptoms or brain cancer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! glad to drop by your page and found these very interesting and informative stuff. Thanks for sharing, keep it up!
    - brain tumor research
